5 Ways to Increase Your Scratch Lottery Online Chances 2022
A pretty low-key form of gambling in Canada is scratchcards. As the name implies, you purchase a scratch card for a special prize, and then you scratch the hidden spots open. Thereby, you reveal numbers or symbols that form a win or not in their combination. While the approximate price for scratchcards is not overly high, you can nevertheless win substantial instant prizes. That is what makes them fun despite their simplistic nature.
It does not take a lot of reflection to realize that this type of online gambling relies first and foremost on luck. Just as much as it does for slot facilities, sports betting, or any other form of luck games there are. Still, you can use different “strategies” with instant games, which work for the more extensive spectrum of online casino gaming. Let us provide you with the instructions on amplifying your chances to win.
Where to get Lottery Scratch Tickets
There are different access points for Canadian players to purchase tickets depending on the current location. Good examples are the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation, BCLC for the province of British Columbia, or Atlantic Lottery for Atlantic Canadians. Every website offers standard and unique scratch tickets, where you can find games such as Super Cash Buster, Lucky 7, Wild Cherries, Double Match, Bingo Extra, The Bigger Spin, Bingo Multiplier, and more.
To participate, you can undoubtedly trust these charitable gaming organizations. You can buy a ticket that will usually range from merely more than $1 up to $30 per ticket. Plus, you do not have to visit casinos or a local retailer to get one. Every afore-mentioned site includes a store where you can pay and play online.
The Motto: Scratch and Win
After you checked through all the details and became the owner of a ticket, you only need to scratch the destined spots, and that is about it. You do not have to be afraid that something could go wrong. Imagine the case that you have scratched open an area that you should leave untouched. No problem! Every ticket can be scanned via its barcode, and this will allow you to claim your prize.
It would help if you looked at the rules that you can read on the back of your corresponding ticket, alternatively, within the on-screen rulebook section. Here the (online) retailers address the necessary combinations which reward prizes.
Odds of Best Scratch Tickets to Buy in Canada
The instant game comes with general odds of 1 in 3 for the particular game. It works like that for the “any prize” odds. The top prizes are harder to get and will result in odds of 1 in approximately 1 million. The odds also scale via the two parameters, prize amount and ticket density. If a ticket is removed from the overall pool of potential winning tickets, the odds of specific prize categories will slightly change.
It is essential to note that you should not understand this as a kind of pattern. 1 in 3 does not mean that you will win money on every third bet. You can succeed and get lucky, but it does not have to be.
Top Strategies for Scratch Lottery Games
Like everything else in life, you can take the following suggestions to your advantage. They are supposed to guide you and treat you with a few helpful insights. At the same time, no one can circumvent the influence of luck, so we urge you to see them as a sign of goodwill and not as a guarantee. That said, here we go.
1. More expensive Tickets do not equal Better Odds
Although some sites on the net tell you differently: purchasing the expensive versions of scratchcards is no fountain of wisdom. You will indeed be eligible for bigger instant win sizes, but the odds do not increase with more expensive tickets.
2. Use Game Add-Ons
The complete experience of scratch cards is connected to their bonus games. Mainly it does not require more than one buck extra for you to reveal the hidden depths of potential. OLG, for example, provides players with the INSTANT TOP UP add-on where you are in for a growing jackpot. The jackpot is progressive and increases in value until someone wins it.
3. Always check the Terms
You confirm that you have read the backside notes beforehand if you play instant games. Those let you know everything about the combinations and more. So, don’t ignore the terms and be surprised by the aftermath.
4. Multiple Tickets don’t affect the Chances
You might think that you can affect the game’s outcome if you buy a multitude at once. Sorry to disappoint, but this is not the case. As a matter of fact, you can purchase 50 tickets for the same instant game via your account, and still, you win zero. Despite this mostly being true for land-based retailer tickets, it remains the same online. The Random Number Generator distributes picks randomly, and no pattern or chronology applies. Bulk purchases are not a sufficient measure. Accept this circumstance as advice to not overdo it.
5. Claim your Win Tickets in Time
At least for physical scratch cards, you should never forget that there is a date until which you have to redeem your ticket. Don’t stand by after you won and let week after week pass. On the backside of the ticket, you can check the expiration date. Claim a prize of less than $1,000 at a participating retailer. For higher ones, you will probably have to visit the mother company.
The Conclusion: Luck is the Factor Nr. 1
We have given you a concise overview of what you can do to have the most fun with scratchcards while maintaining a realistic approach. You will stumble upon quite a few people who tell you that buying more, more, more, or the most expensive will be the prerequisite for your lucky win event. On the contrary, we have shown you that you cannot affect the odds of gambling if you play like that – neither online nor offline.
Instead, take it slow and grow yourself accustomed to the different types of cards. We recommend that you play with the support of available add-ons since they never harm a small extra penny. We wish you the best of luck to be the next winner visible on the page of trustworthy sellers! After all, Lady Luck is the prime helper in need.
Now go ahead and try your luck at this online casino:
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Scratch Lottery FAQ
Should I buy multiple cards at once?
If you intend to do so because you think this will heighten your chances, then definitely no. You can win a prize if you own many scratchcards, but there is no connection with the ticket amount itself.
What are the odds of winning a prize?
The chance to win any prize with a scratchcard ticket is 1 in 3. On the other hand, the top-notch prizes come with odds of 1 in 1 million.
Where can I get the best scratch lottery tickets?
Check out reputable lottery corporation services such as OLG and BLBC. Here you can purchase a ticket under legitimate circumstances if you are from Ontario or British Columbia, for instance.